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MARKETING CLUB- MERCATO of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organised “MARK MANIA” on 27thFebruary 2019 for MBA Batch 2018-20.
The Major objective behind this event was to enhance the team work and to showcase the talent in the creative end of marketing for the budding managers. The event had two round to compete. Brain Storming, Memory based game in which participants have to visualize pictures and memorize it in the same sequence as shown to them. Chemmarca, Game of Dumb Charades-a team have to act with gestures and later the team has to explain the logo based on the various parameter of Marketing.There were certain parameters for judgement including creativity, confidence, team work, content (delivery). This was the second club event for MBA 1st year and they portrayed great interest, enthusiasm and team spirit. Students have also shown their willingness for such future activities which may further enhance their learning and enrich their experience.
The teams adjudged winners were, Tulika & Adnan and Alok & Janhavi for Ist and IInd positions respectively.
Felicitation ceremony was graced by honourable Director (Management) Dr. Ajay Kumar, wherein he motivated students by deliberating technicalities of Marketing and importance of out of the box thinking. The Occasion was also graced by Dr. Sanjeev Tandon and Dr. Nitin Saxena. The entire activity was conducted under the mentorship and Guidance of marketing club Co-ordinator Dr. Garima Srivastav.