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I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad celebrated International Women’s Day at ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme on the 5th of March, 2022.
Spring is in the air and with some recent accomplishments by female personalities fresh in the mind, the time was just right for remembering the contributions of women to society and life in general.
The volunteers for the day were Manjeet, Ayushi, Manvi, Shailesh, Rima, Aryan, Rupali, Baisnabi, Abhijeet, Shradha, Shubham, Piyush, and Vikash.
Ayushi began the proceedings for the day by reminding the children about the important role played by women in the present day and age. She was assisted by Manvi as they went about explaining why is not enough to indulge in lip service as far as the involvement of women at work and public life, in general, is concerned. Prof. Lokesh Upreti joined in and made the kids aware of how times have changed in this regard. He drew attention to the sea change that had taken place from females of previous generations to those of the present one. The little ones were told to wish their mothers and elder sisters back home on this occasion (8th March 2022) and to express gratefulness as well.
In the second part, Shailesh took a class on basic science where he touched upon concepts like the water cycle and photosynthesis. The learners were mostly familiar with these topics and were able to relate to the process of plants preparing their own food.
The day ended with the distribution of Britannia biscuits and Melody toffees before the children headed home. Prof. Upreti planned and presided over the day’s session, while also guiding the volunteers in the performance of the various tasks.