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On 25th April 2020, an international guest talk was organized for the students of MBA First Year (Batch 2019-21).

The topic of the session was Business process adaptation: Coping with challenges due to global pandemic. Ms. Anjali Saxena- Cost Estimator and Health & Safety Coordinator, Accuburners Corporation Mississauga Ontario, Canada explained how the organization has adapted to the challenges posed by the global pandemic Covid19.
The session was graced by Director Management- Dr. Vidya Sekhri and Chairperson MBA- Dr. Anusha Agarwal and was attended by students from MBA I and MBA II.
During the session, Ms. Saxena discussed in detail various measures the organization has taken across all its functions like manufacturing, HR, Finance and supply chain management among others to ensure that the company, its employees and the customers are not affected negatively in the current scenario.
The steps taken by the Canadian Government to protect the industries marked as essential during the pandemic were also discussed by the guest. The session also witnessed active participation form the students as they raised their queries related to the topic. The explanations and examples given by Ms. Saxena helped in creating a good understanding of the discussion among the students.
The webinar interaction was smoothly conducted online with the help of Google meet platform.