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International Conference started with the blessings of Goddess Saraswati. The hon’ble Chief Guest was Dr. T. Haque (Chairman: Land Policy Cell, NITI Aayog) while the Guests of honor was Prof. Bikram Keshari Pattanaik, Ms. Priya Deshmukh and the Keynote speakers were Dr Dalip Kumar & Dr. Vivek Kumar. Honourable Shri Arpit Chaddha (Vice Chairman- ITS The Education Group), Director PR- Shri Surinder Sood, Director Management and the Conference Chair Dr. Ajay Kumar inaugurated the Conference jointly by lighting the lamps before the idol of Goddess Saraswati.
The conference had three sessions – the first was inaugural session and the second & the third sessions were marked for research paper presentations.
This session started with the address by eminent speakers on the conference theme high lightening Globalization and its impact on India. Speakers talked about “New Ideas in Rural Finance”, “Measurement of Employment & Unemployment”,” Digitalization” etc.
The session started with a small presentation by one of the conference sponsors - Pearson - about their company and products.
A panel of four eminent academicians – Dr. Seema Singh, Dr. Ghulam Yashdani, Prof. B.K. Pattanaik and Dr. Vivek Kumar judged the research papers and the presenters who were in a competition to win the best paper award in different categories.
Glimpses of some of the notable papers which got jury’s appreciation are listed below:
Under General Management category different topics were taken up by the presenters under the theme- “Globalization: Prospects and opportunities for new India” such as Analytical Study of Traffic Building Techniques for e-Business, Flipped Classroom Approach: - a Student’ Perspective which included Digital Market, Built Better Relationship, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Under Finance category, the research paper was presented by Ms. Manisha Gupta who talked about the factors affecting individual investment decisions in Indian Capital Market taking Delhi NCR region under study. She told about objectives of investor i.e. maximum return, minimum risk, hedge against inflation etc. and constraints such as liquidity, age, time horizon, need regulator income etc. The decision was affected by demographic factors, lifestyle, psychological, risk bearing ability and self image. The sampling design was of random sampling and the questionnaires considered were 42 out of 50 on which survey was done.
Another paper was presented by Ms Shrimoyee Ghosh on “Cross Border Merger and Acquisition: An Analysis”. She talked about Major International and National mergers and acquisitions taking examples of Tata Group, Airtel, and Hindalco etc. She also talked about major merger and acquisition failures and their solutions.
A research paper on “Evolution of growth and microfinance in India” was presented by Neha Roy where she talked about the provisions of financial services to the people who are just above poverty line and those who are below poverty line. She gave a brief of the salient features of microfinance for borrowers from low income group borrowing small amount for short duration, without collaterals and high frequency repayments (more EMI’s). Her survey highlighted the fact that 87% poors do not have access to credit that stands to $30 billion. She discussed the role and challenges of microfinance as well.
The forth paper which got jury’s appreciation was presented by Richa Mishra on the topic “Micro Finance and Regional Rural Bank – Current Scene and The Path Ahead”. In this paper her objective was to study different age groups of rural customers of RRB’s and to study the thinking of rural population towards RRBs. She explained the methods to remove poverty by introducing microfinance. She emphasized the importance of such schemes in rural India.
Research papers presented in the area of marketing touched various topics. The different topics taken up by the presenters under the theme- “Globalization: Prospects and Opportunities for a new India” included Digital Marketing, Viral Marketing, Flipped Classroom Approach, Factors affecting sustainability of Startups and eNAM – the initiative by the government of India.
Highlights of some of the selected papers are as below:
Research paper presented by Ms. Priyanka Gupta was on “Digital Marketing – A Global Weapon to Overcome Customer Resistance to the New Product”. Her objective was to explore the challenges faced by consumers as well as marketers in launching the new product in the market. There were several hypotheses and the research was based on qualitative analysis. She talked about the various reasons of not adopting the product such as – Lack of Innovations, Risk, Traditional Barrier, Lack of Information (features, advantages and benefits of the product) and Lack of Role Model. She then talked about the overcoming strategies and need of personalization.
Another paper was on “Viral Marketing” where the presenter introduced the various techniques used in viral marketing that enhance the marketing effectiveness on the internet. Presenter explained how it is useful for various startups, students promoters, NGO’s etc. he made the comparison between digital marketing and viral marketing and its advantages over digital marketing.
Dr. Sunita Shukla, under general management category, discussed about Flipped Classroom Approach – A Student’s Perspective. She explained it as a blended learning approach in which the students are provided with the data to be studied beforehand and the classrooms are only for learning the practical aspects of it. She used empirical methodology and considered undergraduates and postgraduates under study through questionnaires. Her data figured that 98% student are comfortable in Flipped Classroom approach. She used ANOVA Test to reach to the conclusion – FLIPPED TEACHING + ACTIVE LEARNING = AMAZING EDUCATIONAL POSSIBILITIES.
The fourth paper talked about the factors affecting sustainability of startups. The several reasons of failure of today’s startups include copying from western culture, higher cost per unit, less revenue per unit, lack of vision and local market impact on customers. The challenges during these startups are fund raising, recruiting talent etc. The presenter gave the sustainable model of startups and the government incentives for startups and concluded the research.
The fifth presenters were Shiva Shah and Shreya Nand who gave the analytical study of eNAM- an initiative taken by government to improve the conditions of farmers. They gave reasons of gap between farm and non farm income such as industrialization, inequality in formation of policy etc. They talked about the Mission 2022 of government and the area of improvement such as Agri productivity, Industrialization, Govt. intervention etc. They studied the Action Plan of government and took into account the primary data collected from the village Karehda near Ghaziabad. They concluded with the benefits and drawbacks of eNAM and current status of the policy implemented.
Research paper in HR presented by Shikha Gupta was on “360 Feedback Method” which talked about supremacy of 360 degree over traditional methods.
Conference came to an end with a valedictory session wherein each winner was given a certificate and a citation for best paper in its category.
Best Paper in General Management: Dr Sunita Shukla, Ms. Radhika Jain & Ms. Aprajita Srivastava
Best Paper in Finance: Ms. Richa Mishra
Best Paper in Marketing: Mr. Shashank Srivastava
Best Paper in HRM: Ms. Shikha Gupta
Conference concluded with the formal Vote of Thanks proposed by Dr. Rajeev Johari.