Research Development Cell of Management Department at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized a session on social entrepreneurship by Mr. Sandeep Sneh, Manager, Ambedkar University Centre for Incubation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship,and Dr Avijit Chakravarti, journalist, educator and mentor. Mr. Sneh started the session by holding forth briefly on entrepreneurship in general, and social entrepreneurship in particular. In this context, he also mentioned in brief the activities and programs of his organisation, before yielding the stage to Dr. Chakravarti.

Dr. Chakravarti spoke for a little less than an hour on the different facets of social entrepreneurship. He began by explaining why organisations want to be socially relevant, and how they look to rectruit people for the same purpose. He illustrated through real life examples how socially relevant projects enable organisations to make money in the long run, while also generating benefits for the society at large. In this connection, he also explained the concept of sustainability, emphasising that it can come only from an entrepreneurial mindset.

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Monday, February 5, 2018
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Dr. Chakravarti also spoke about the need for looking upon communities as stakeholders in the business, rather than as beneficiaries. On the economic side, he mentioned the fact that this kind of entrepreneurship results in affordable products. Bulk sales result in attractive margins, while also ensuring employment for those involved. Session ended with a question and answer round. It was a very engrossing session in the area of social entrepreneurship. Students were very enthusiastic about the knowledge gained through the session and were already looking forward to more such interactions. Session was well coordinated by Dr. Rajeev Johari, Dr. Indraneel Mandal and Mr. Lokesh Upreti.