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I.T.S PG-Management organized visit to Indo ASEAN InnoTech Summit 2018, a two-day Technology & Innovation Summit, exhibition, B2B and B2G meetings to be held on 29-30 November 2018,for IIyr student at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi. Participating ASEAN Member Countries were Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. There was an exclusive session with India ASEAN S&T Secretaries and Advisors, Exhibition: to showcase best Indian Innovative Technologies, with potential implementation in the ASEAN region as well as B2G meetings: one to one meeting with ASEAN delegation of ministers, advisors, and other dignitaries. The event was co-ordinated by Dr. Namita Dixit and the visiting students were Shashank Srivastava, Akash Sharma, Sivam Singh, Ashwani Choudhary and Kiran Gupta from MBA-IIyr
The objectives was to make the students understand and explore avenues of cross country partnerships with Indian R&D-based enterprises, Capture global trends in technology management and strategy, Connect with the local and global research & development community for collaborative engagement, Monitor the creation of avenues for industry-academia-government partnerships, Examine the promotional best practices in financing, strategy, and leadership, advance progressive ideas for policy reforms and regulatory environment, Evaluate the build-in capacities for market assessment and rapid commercialization of research. This match perfectly with the theme of ‘Accelerating towards innovative development’
The exhibition was also there to showcase the notable Innovative Scientific technologies from public, private, and research institutions of India.This was aligned on the vision of Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi under the “Make In India” campaign. The exhibition provided an ideal opportunity for all participants to showcase their work in a customised setting that drew attention of interested investing companies and other ASEAN partners. Approximately 50 stalls were put up for Domestic Innovators, Technopreneurs and Companies, State Governments and other Government organisations. Exhibitors were getting ample opportunity to engage participants in one-on-one conversations, presentations and the chance to collect qualified leads in exclusive B2B/B2G lounge.