MERCATO- THE MARKETING CLUB of Department of Management, I.T.S Ghaziabad organized an online activity “SELFIE AMBASSADOR” for MBA 2021-23 students on 04th February, 2022.


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Friday, February 4, 2022
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The activity was based on creative imagination. The participants were asked to imagine themselves as a Brand Ambassador and then they have to endorse a product/ brand. Participants need to post a selfie with some innovative product which they want to select and have to come up with a new tagline for the product with a short description. Participation was invited as individuals or in groups of maximum 3 members in one team.

Huge participation of 35 teams was received. Based on 1st round, top 10 teams were promoted to the second and the final round. In the second round the teams had to present their product and selfie in front of the judge panel. The winners of the activity were: Kartikey Jindal (D), Raushan Kumar (B) and Priya Prakash (D).-