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Dr. Umang delivered a Guest Talkon “Journey towards wired networks to Adhoc Networks” on 28th August, 2018 for B.Tech CSE/IT 1st& 4th year was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology , BPS MahilaVishvidyalaya, Sonipat.
The session had witnessed the participation of 60 students from B.Tech Course. In this session, I have discussed on various communication technologies and its impact on different real life applications. While discussing about proliferation of technologies, I have presented a detailed discussion on Adhoc networks, Vehicular Adhoc Networks & FANETs and its empirical research issues. In addition to this, Introduction of Network Simulator, its Importance, types of Network Simulators, Requirements and their simulation were also explained through demonstration using NetSim.
Overall it was a great learning experience to interact, share views & thoughts.