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Department of I.T. organized a Guest Session on “"Self Confidence/Reliance and Motivation: Towards Bright Future" @ ITS, Ghaziabad on Tuesday, 20st February 2018 for MCA-IV Semester Students. Dr. Sujata Menon Kapila, Founder, Joyful Living was the resource person for this session. The objective of this talk was to make students more confident and self-reliance so that they can achieve success in their life easily. Dr.Sujata talked about super conscious, conscious and sub conscious minds. Faculty members and students were requested to do 6 Super Conscious Living Exercises with the help of Ms. Malvika. While addressing the students, Dr. Sujata discussed with the students that they should take care of four things in their life (i) Keep body healthy (ii) Have a good control of emotions (iii) Set goals in life (start with smaller goals and work rigorously to achieve those goals) (iv) Stop Expectations . We have to be gratitude in our life for the things which we are having.
She also briefed students about importance of affirmation and manifestation. She communicated to the students that “Visualize your goals and start living with these goals, write it down in a piece of paper and keep this into practice” by doing honest effort and manifestation you will do wonders in your life.