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Department of Management, I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organized a Guest lecture for students of Management batch (MBA and PGDM) 2019-21
on October 03, 2020. The guest speaker for the session was Ms. Chandrima Chatterjee, Advisor and Sr. Director at Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) and she talked on the topic “Amendments in Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20”. The session was highly enlightening and interesting. She spoke about various WTO processes that are essential in regulation and monitoring of trade. She also briefed the students about the concept of Foreign exchange and what strategies and techniques are used in order to mitigate the risk of foreign exchange.
Furthermore, in the session, she discussed about the foreign trade policy. She told about various incentive schemes and also, she highlighted various suggestive amendments in Foreign Trade policy 2015 – 20 and what will would be their implications on India’s International Trade. Towards the end, students asked interesting questions which were entertained by the speaker competently. The session was a great success and students gained a lot from the experience sharing of the guest speaker.