On 17thOctober 2019, a guest talk was organized for the students of MBA First Year (Batch 2019-21).

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Thursday, October 17, 2019
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The topic of the session was ‘Indian Economy- Vision 2025’. MrJayant Srivastava, Senior Consultant KPMG, had an informative session with the students wherein he explained how India has fared in the last few years and what the future path may look like for the national economy.

Mr Srivastava used numerous examples and factual data to bring forth the current positive as well as negative aspects prevailing in the economy. He discussed in detail the steps being taken by the Government of India to improve the condition of our economy at the global level. The numerous examples given by MrSrivastava helped in creating a good understanding of the discussion among the students.

The students took active participation in the session and expressed their eagerness to have such sessions in future as well.