Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized Guest Lecture on the topic “Changing Face of Market Research and Relevance of Traditional Methods” for MBA (Batch 2018-20). The Resource person of the session was Mr. Rohit Churamani, Managing Director - i3 RC Insights Pvt Ltd)

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019
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Mr. Rohit emphasized on changed importance of research over a period of time everywhere in the world. Technology, Big Data, Social Media and Mobile Phone are big reasons for change in the field of research. As the time has progressed, many new methods have been evolved for conducting the research. Observation, Ethnography, etc have become important methods for data collection. Researcher has to be a good story teller in order to work out the complete understanding of research to the client. Use of mechanical devices is very high now a days in research. Mr. Rohit emphasized on knowledge about latest analytical tools and their important to make the analysis of multiple variables is important for arriving to decision making. 

It was a great learning experience to all participants and students had many queries related to research which were resolved intelligently by speaker.

The session was coordinated by Dr. Lalit Kumar Sharma.