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Department of Management organized a guest lecture on “Identity Politics and Rise of China and its impact on Global Business” for the students of (MBA 2021 – 23) batch on May 17, 2023.

The objective of the lecture was to supplement the learning of students about geopolitics and its impact on international trade. The speaker for the lecture was Dr. Faisal Ahmed, Professor of International Business & Geopolitics at FORE School of Management, New Delhi. His research and consulting interests include the Indo-Pacific region, China’s trade and geopolitics, and free trade agreements.
Dr. Faisal began by introducing the term “Geopolitics”. He explained that geopolitics is when political leaders, countries, organizations, and corporations assess how their actions would affect other political leaders, countries, organizations, and corporations. Further, he introduced the term “Identity Politics” to the participants, which he described as a political approach wherein people of a particular race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social background, social class, or other identifying factors develop political agendas that are based upon these identities. Dr. Ahmad then discussed the emergence of CHINA as a super economy. He argued that it was only done with the support of other super powers including the USA that supported the rise of China during the 1970’s. He deliberated upon the various programs and agendas being supported by CHINA in the current international trade for its own development and how they are being strongly opposed by India with the objective of protecting our sovereignty. Dr. Ahmad also highlighted various instances in history where different countries, including India, have used protectionist measures in International Trade and its impacts on the economies. Lastly, he highlighted the significance of trade agreements and reason for which nations come into these agreements.
The session was highly fruitful and informative for the students. The students learnt about the impact of world politics on international trade. They felt that the resource person was competent and had exhaustive knowledge about the subject matter. He handled queries and doubts very well and the overall interaction was very useful. The session culminated by presenting a vote of thanks and plaque to Dr. Faisal Ahmad.