Institute of Technology and Management organised a guest lecture on the topic “Overview of Operations and Logistics: Prospects and Future Potential” on June 18th, 2022 at the Dronacharya Auditorium. The session was attended by MBA First Year students.

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Saturday, June 18, 2022
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The resource person for the session was Mr. Ramesh Krishnan, COO, Sellogs Metamediary Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and a regular guest speaker at various management institutes. While Mr Krishnan is a founder of his present organisation, he has over a decade’s experience in the field of logistics, having worked at leading organisations like the Futures Group. He also regularly contributes his views and knowledge in leading logistics organisations and retail publications.

Mr Krishnan explained to the students how operations differs from other functional areas in management, clarifying the role of each in the organisation. He then proceeded to discuss how relatively new areas like supply chain management and logistics have evolved down the ages. In the process he went on to throw some light on important activities like inventory control, stores management, quality issues and related elements. He also pointed out the increasing role of information technology and advised the students to keep themselves updated on the developments in this regard.

The lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session where the students had several queries regarding career options in the field of operations and how operations could gel with other functional areas that interested them. Mr. Krishnan gave examples from his own professional experiences as he guided students through possible career choices. Director Dr V.N.Bajpai, who was present on the occasion, joined Mr Krishnan on stage to help students navigate the professional maze.

The session concluded with Dr Bajpai presenting a plaque to Mr Krishnan as a token of gratitude and appreciation. There was plenty of food for thought for the students as they mulled over the path ahead of them.