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The Friday Club activity for the 7th of September, 2018 involved Prof. C.K. Sabharwal addressing the faculty members on the topic “India: Imminent Changes round the Bend”. Apart from the regular faculty members of the institute, Dr S.P. Mishra was also present as a special invitee.
Prof. Sabharwal started the session with the observation that it is a great thing for a country when citizens start thinking beyond themselves, something that was applicable for India right now. He also made the point that in order to look at the future, it is necessary to consider the past, providing a brief snapshot of India under the Mughals and the British.

Coming to the India of the present, Prof. Sabharwal mentioned the demographic dividend, which is obviously a major advantage for us compared to many other countries of the world.A pivotal moment was when in contrast to the pyramid suggested by C.K. Prahalad, Prof. Sabharwal stressed on the diamond as the middle class could be broken up into higher and lower income groups. The rich also included a global Indians segment, as evidenced by recent developments.
Among other notable mentions, Prof. Sabharwal spoke about women empowerment, a new mindset amidst the youth and emergence of small towns as major centers of growth.
At the same time, Prof. Sabharwal also cautioned against developments like intolerance, resistance to change, reservations, coalition failures, corruption, fading unity in diversity, and lack of transparency and diversity.
The session came to an end with remarks and observations by Prof. Manoj K. Jha and Dr Mishra. It was a fruitful session as everybody present had a glimpse of the possible future of the nation and the pitfalls involved.