Prof. Shikha Aggarwal, faculty of Department of Management participated and successfully completed 1- week Faculty Development Programme on "Communication and Management Skills at Workplace" organized by Electronics & ICT (E&ICT) Academy of IIT- Guwahati, in association with Bapatla Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh and EarlyRise during March 14 - 19, 2022. 

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Saturday, March 19, 2022
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The resource person for the entire faculty development programme was MS. Neha Maheshwari, The FDP course was of total 40 hours expanded over one week. The sessions were planned in morning and evening slots. The objective of the FDP was:

·         To develop skills to ask questions.

·         To Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically to others

·         To Learn what their non-verbal messages are convey others

·         To Enhance their ability to handle difficult situations

·         To Deal with situations assertively

·         To Identify common communication problems that may hold employees back

The resource person focused on developing assertive and persuasive communication and also highlighted the importance of such communication in the workplace. It also emphasized upon recognize different styles of communication and howto improve understanding and build rapport with others. The resource person also reflected on different methods of communication and how one can recognize and choose the best way/ method to go forward in communication. Importance of non- verbal communication was emphasized and effective message formulation was also explained in a very comprehensive manner.

The assessment of the workshop was based on daily post- session quizzes and assignments shared in Google classroom. Lastly, a case study-based project work was to be submitted for final evaluation. The workshop was very insightful and engaging.