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Dr.Rajeev Johari faculty of Management Department had the privilege to attend the “10th Annual International G20 Conference” From Global Cooperation to Building Consensus: Views from G-20 Countries on 11-12thOctober, 2018 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
G – 20 members are heterogeneous with varied levels of development, economic growth, spread of technology and financial strength. Apart from the G-20 members, other multilateral institutions and international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) participate in the discussion at the G-20 Summit and pre-summit planning. While the members cooperate against economic crunches, cooperation without consensus could be futile in the long run when countries are governed by varied political ideologies and policies.The 13th Annual G-20Summit to be held in Argentina is centred on the topic “Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development”.
ICRIER has been organising annual international conferences since 2009 prior to the G-20Summit. The discussions in these Conferences have provided a platform for engaging eminent researchers, academicians and policymakers in rich debate on topics of relevance to the G-20 Summit.The broad topics and the impending questions or issues covered in the two day conference wereEvaluating Global Financial Architecture and Regulatory Practices, Future of Work,Trade, Investment and the Multilateral Process, Role of Technology for Mitigating Climate Change, Crypto- Currencies and Blockchains - The Right Approach, Financing Infrastructure for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Food Future.
The scholarly deliberations were delivered by eminent national and international speakers from the government, embassies, international institutions like IMF, World Bank, academia and industry like Shri Suresh Prabhu, Isher Judge Ahluwalia, Sanjeev Sanyal, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Jaimini Bhagwati, Suman Bery, Fred Bedore, Sujata Mehta, Usha Thorat, Ashima Goyal, Alok Sheel, Parag Waknis, R Nagaraj, Manoj Pant Imran Valodia, Shankar Acharya, Bustanal Arifin, Ashok Gulati, Daniel Chuburu, Hideki Asari, Andreas Bauer.
Rich exchange of ideas featured all the sessions.