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Faculty of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, Dr. Charu Chaudhry organized a Faculty Development Program on "Time Management" for faculty members of I.T.S Physiotherapy & Biotechnology College, Murad Nagar on May 4, 2019.
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director-Management, I.T.S Mohan Nagar Campus inaugurated the program and emphasized upon the relevance of time management as a skill, which is essential to improve workplace productivity, in the dynamic competitive environment. Dr Charu focused on relationship between time management and self-management for professional excellence. With experiential exercises, she sensitized the participants that they can always improve productivity even if they are performing well. She also shared time management tools and techniques that can add value while prioritizing and scheduling the tasks. Various exercises helped participants to identify specific tools they need to use, to gain control of their time and become more efficient in near future. Session was highly interactive and faculty members participated in the program with full enthusiasm and energy. Presence of Director-Management and Dr. V N Bajpai encouraged all the participants.