Department of Management Studies, Institute of Technology & Science organized an expert talk on the topic “Employee Compensation & Performance Management” for PGDM-IV trimester and MBA-III semester HR specialization students on September 21, 2019. 

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Saturday, September 21, 2019
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Expert for the session was Mr. Renny K, Manager- Compensation and Benefit, HPCL-Mittal Energy Ltd.

Mr. Renny K focused on compensation strategy, factors affecting strategy and latest trends in compensation and benefits. He elaborated various job evaluation methods in practice like Hay method, Towers Watson method, Mercer method of job evaluation etc.  He talked about the role of performance management in talent management. He gave the overview of compensation management & gave practical insights related to type of payouts comprising of pay for role and pay for performance. He also shared corporate world examples to highlight current trends in benefits and variable pay plans. Guest lecture ended with deep insight on how the performance is linked with the rewards in an organization and how it can be used for the achievement of an organizational goal. Session was full of corporate insights and learning for the students and it was coordinated by Dr. Charu Chaudhry.