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Dr Umang delivered Session on “Routing Protocols for IoT” on 21st May 2018 in in Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science and IT” from 14th - 26th May, 2018, organized by IEEE Delhi Section & IIPC (AICTE) of BVICAM, New Delhi, in collaboration with IEEE Computer Society (Delhi Section), CSI Delhi Chapter & ISTE Delhi Section at BVICAM, New Delhi.
The session had witnessed the participation of 40+ young faculty members and researchers from renowned colleges and universities. In this session, various communication technologies and its impact on different real-life applications were discussed. While discussing about proliferation of technologies, a detailed discussion on IoT devices in MANETs, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks & FANETs, IoT based Routing Protocols RPL and its empirical research issues was presented. In addition to this, Introduction of Cisco Packet Tracer, NetSim, its Importance, types of Network Simulators, Requirements and simulation of IoT devices were also explained through demonstration using Cisco products.