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Dr. Rajeev Johari attended the enriching program “Launch of the World Inequality Report 2018” on 20th December, 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The report was presented by Lucas Chancel, Co- Director, World Inequality Lab & World Wealth and Income Database, Paris School of Economics. Isher Judge Ahluwalia, Chairperson, ICRIER delivered the welcome address. This session was followed by a lively enlightening exposure on the report by Mr. Lucas Chancel, the general coordinator of the report on economics terminologies like fiscal deficit, private economy, public economy, market economy in the context of the central term of inequality and wealth. This report has been prepared in eight languages of the world including Hindi and is accessible online. This useful report focuses on the dynamics of global income inequality. It also offers insights into employability related to skill levels. The parameters employed in the report were subjected to both endorsement and critiques by the guests.
The panel discussion by three distinguished panellists following the report presentation was chaired by Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Director& CE, ICRIER. The panellist Dr. Pronav Sen of International Growth Centre, threw light on issues related to fiscal deficit, micro finance and taxation. The panellist Dr. Himanshu of JNU, talked about Government’s recent initiatives which have served to bridge the inequality gap. Mr. Sandeep Chachhra of Action Aid discussed issues relating to industry requirement. This panel discussion was followed by vibrant question answer and comment session. Dr. Rajat Kathuria gave the concluding remarks.