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- Faculty
Faculty Of I.T.S
Dr. Gurpreet Kaur
Assistant Professor
Exerience : 10 years
Email : gurpreetkaur.ds@its.edu.in
PhD (2016) Jamia Millia Islamia
M.Sc. (2008) Jamia Millia Islamia
B.Sc. Gen. (2006) Delhi University
Area of Specialization/ Research: Statistics
Subjects Taught: Business statistics and analytics, and Quantitative Techniques for Managers.
- “Design Thinking – A Primer” conducted by NPTEL (Jan-Feb 2024)
- “Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning” conducted by NPTEL(Aug-Oct 2023)
- “Non-parametric Statistical Inference” conducted by NPTEL (July -Aug 2022)
- "Introduction to Big Data Tools for Beginners" from Simpliilearn on 28 Oct 2022.
- “Data Analysis and decision Making-I” conducted by NPTEL (January-April,2022)
“Introduction to Data Analytics” conducted by Simplilearn (17th November, 2021).
- “Business Analytics with Excel” conducted by Simplilearn (8th November, 2021).
- “Introduction to Probability and Statistics” conducted by NPTEL (Jan-Feb 2021).
- “Descriptive Statistics with R Software” conducted by NPTEL (Feb-April, 2019).
Experience: 10 years
Patent Published
Method and system for preventing prohibited capturing of visual media using artificial intelligence
List of Publications\ Conference proceedings\ Paper Presented
- Paper presented in International conference “Factors Affecting Satisfaction in Indian IT Sector” organized by I.T.S School Management, Ghaziabad (May 3-4, 2024)
- Paper presented in International conference “Students’ Perceptions towards learning Numerical Based Paper in Higher Educational Institutes through Blended Learning during covid-19 Pandemic” organized by I.T.S School Management, Ghaziabad (April 21-22, 2022)
- Participated in the conference “Virtual Global Conference on current Trends in Mathematics” organized by Mathematical Society, Brahmanand College, Kanpur, U.P. (Feb 01-02, 2021)
- Paper Presented in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling& Soft Computing Techniques” organized by Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana (March 29, 2014).
- Participated in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Protein Structural Biology” organized by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (Dec 15-17, 2013).
- Participated in International Interdisciplinary Science Conference (I-ISC 2012) on “Protein folding and Diseases” organized by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (Dec 08-10, 2012).
- Participated in International Interdisciplinary Science Conference (I-ISC 2011) Bioinformatics on “Nano biotechnology: Interface between Physics and Biology” organized by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (Nov 15-17, 2011).
- Participated in International Interdisciplinary Science Conference-2009 on “Interface between chemistry and Biology” organized by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (Oct 8, 2009).
- MBA first-year student coordinator from 1 July 2023 till date
- Worked on criteria 2 (Evaluation Process and Reforms) for NAAC and NBA. (April 2022)
- Examination Controller (MBA Program) till July 2022