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The Department of MCA organized an insightful workshop titled "Unveiling the Power of Data Science: Tools, Techniques, and Insights" on 9th December 2024.

The workshop aimed to expose MCA students to the immense potential of data science, guiding them in placement preparation and hands-on technical implementation. Renowned industry experts Mr. Sonu Prakash and Mr. Chetan Prakash were the speakers for the event. Mr. Sonu Prakash engaged students with a motivational talk focused on career prospects in the field of data science.Mr. Chetan Prakash provided a hands-on session focused on implementing data science concepts.The objective of this workshop is to provide an overview of basic data science tools and their importance in data analysis and visualization, as well as to explain why Python is the chosen language for data science and introduce its major features for data processing and modeling.he knowledge gained from this visit will significantly aid the MCA first-year students in their academic projects and future careers. The visit also fostered a greater understanding of how to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, a crucial element as students transition into the professional IT world.