Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized a webinar in the area of Human Resource Management on 2nd April, 2019. This activity was under the SHRM Inspiration Series on “Future Ready Workforce Engagement Series.”

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019
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The main speaker was Mr. Indrajeet Sengupta, the Executive Director of Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages (HCCB).

The main topic was “Changing Faace of Recognition and Award and Future Ready Workforce Engagement Strategies.” During the course of the seminar Mr. Sengupta touched on topics like the system of feedback followed in India compared to those in other countries; careers, priority and engagement; value capabilities of tomorrow; linking engagement to rewards and recognition; finding inspiration and taking action; and encouraging peer to peer relations.

The webinar was highly interactive and informative. Faculty members attended the webinar along with 28 students from MBA First Year. The students felt highly motivated and enthusiastic after attending the webinar.