The Friday Club Meeting planned an interactive session of Prof. Nitin Saxena and Dr. Garima Srivastava. The topic of the discussion was: “All About Money: Options Available in India for Investment”, Prof. Nitin shared various investment options like, FD, PPF, Senior Citizen Saving Schemes (SCSS), RBI Bonds, Life Insurance, Mutual Funds, Real Estate, Gold etc. He talked about the features of ULIPS and how the charges by the company are being taken with the passing years? He compared various investment options and their returns. He also talked of primary and secondary equity markets. He also discussed about IPO’s as investment option. Prof. Kalra also shared his views about IPO’s and he supported his argument by giving examples of Banking Sector and Reliance IPO’s. Prof. Nitin discussed about the thinking process of a general investor and the returns he receives after a stipulated period. The discussion was highly informative with Prof. Kalra and Dr. Shuchita Singh sharing their views on investment options.

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Friday, August 17, 2018
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The second presentation was from Dr. GarimaSrivastava. She had attended “Marketing Meet 2018” at GD Goenka University on 20th April 2018. The theme of conference sessions was onMarketing Technology and the Consumers and the sub theme was Leveraging Technology for Effective & Efficient Engagements with Consumers.

The conference had focused on the rampant use of digital media and about the changing eco-systems.

The discussions were highly informative.