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Day 2 of the Virtual Orientation program “Aarambh 2020” for MBA 2020-2022 at I.T.S Mohan Nagar

commenced with a Guest Talk on the focal theme of “Managing Disruptions and Re-designing Lifestyle” by Colonel Anil Kumar Sharma. Mr. Sharma shared vivid experiences from his military career with the students and explained how a leader’s role is transformational and transitional in different situations. Col. Sharma is a renowned motivation speaker who instilled a great deal of enthusiasm in the students for a better tomorrow. The session was highly engaging and his old stories from the battles of Kargil simply made the session interesting. Director- Management Dr.Vidya Sekhri presented him with a virtual plaque as a token of appreciation and gratitude.
The Guest Session was followed by an interaction of the students with Director-Management, Dr. Vidya Sekhri. Dr. Vidya Sekhri in her address shared several success stories with the students. Every story had a brilliant life altering message for the students. The session was highly interactive, as the students got a chance to express themselves. Many students shared their dreams and their career goals.
The post lunch session introduced to the new students, functional clubs which are run at by the Management department with the objective of all- round development of the students. The students of 2019-2021 batch gave a brief presentation of their respective clubs highlighting the guidelines and norms to the new students.
Day 2 of the Orientation session came to an end with a small session wherein the students expressed their expectations from the MBA Program. Their queries were duly answered by Prof. Parul Gupta (Coordinator- MBA First Year) and Dr. Surendra Tiwari (Chairperson- MBA Program)