Day III of AARAMBH began with the session on “Developing Leadership Skills” by Dr. Vidya Sekhri, Director Management. Dr. Sekhri highlighted the traits required by today’s generation for becoming an effective Leader She emphasized the importance of communication and imparted the value of ethics and Indian culture.  The session was very participative with the fresh batch giving inputs on varied topics. 

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Wednesday, August 21, 2019
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 It was a delight to watch young minds buzzing with enthusiasm and their zeal of learning had new limits. Dr. Sekhri highlighted the life lessons by narrating simple stories wherein the students were taught how to prioritise in life and come out of their comfort zone. The session proved to be great energy booster for the students.

The session was followed by Faculty Interaction where different domain area heads introduced the faculties. The students were made familiar with their subjects and their respective teachers. The session was cordinated by Prof.Parul Gupta,Coordinator MBA – I year

Dr. Anusha Agarwal, Chairperson MBA Department addressed the students. She gave an overview of the MBA program wherein she told the students about the rules, regulations and also gave an insight as to what is expected from the students with regards to Attendance, Projects and Assignments. Dr. Agarwal encouraged the students to lead a disciplined and focussed life in the next two years so that they are Corporate ready when they move out from the portals of ITS. The students were also briefed about the various events and extra-curricular activities on the Campus.

The post lunch session was taken by Mr. Tarun Gulayani, who is a certified NLP practitioner and a motivational speaker. Mr. Gulayani introduced the concept of sub conscious mind and how it controls our heart and mind. The session was full of interesting incidents where each had a life lesson for our young minds. Mr. Gulayani made the session all the more effective by narrating his own story and at every step he explained the students as to how can they overcome hurdles in their lives. He inspired the students to take the struggles as challenges not as problems.

The day concluded with the Functional Club Presentations which was very well coordinated by the MBA II year students and respective Faculty Coordinator. The clubs belong the different domains such as HR, Marketing, International Business etc. The new students were introduced to the clubs, their functioning, their membership and the various events which are conducted under their umbrella. The 2019 batch were encouraged to join various clubs as they form an important part of the development of personality of a MBA graduate.