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Cultural Club of Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized “Beat the Street- The Talent Hunt show” for Management students on 29th March, 2019.
Having backed by months of preparation along with the heart and soul of every member, the event roared success, radiating positive vibes and energy all across.
The lavish auditorium served as the main hub for the Talent hunt activities like dance, singing, playing Musical Instruments. Different games, dance performances and singing were center piece of the event. Many students enthusiastically came forward to showcase their talent. Highlight of the event was great performances by the winner of the activity Mr. Kunal Mudgal and Mr. Sudhanshu Dixit.
Event concluded with the Prize Distribution Ceremony by Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management) and Dr. V.N. Bajpai.