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Department of Management at I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized Corporate Talk on the topic of “Changing Strategic Dimensions” on 22nd November, 2019.
He shared his own experiences how and why you can no longer just rely on the old formulas. He emphasized that it was not the results but right strategies with adaptability leads to sustainable success.
He started with Blue ocean and Red ocean strategy and emphasized the continuous interaction among changing dimensions. He said that change should not be considered only in terms of the processes, but should also consider the historical, cultural, and political features of the organization.
Successful change is a result of the interaction between the content or "what" of change; the process or "how" of change; and the organizational context or "where" of change. Based on substantial empirical research, he also presented 5 Central Interrelated Factors, which allow for successfully managing changing strategic dimensions: Environment Assessment, Human Resources as Assets and Liabilities, Linking Strategic and Operational Change, Leading Change, and Coherence.
He suggested that change must moves the organization forward and bundling of operational activities is powerful and can lead to new strategic changes. Employees should know that they are seen as valuable, and they should feel that the organization trusts them.
Mr. Mishra advocated that Success is no mystery. It takes positive attitude and determination to succeed. There were frustrations, fears, uncertainties and hardships but with each small step aligned with intended changes, it can be conquered. At the end of the corporate lecture, a special vote of thanks was given to him.