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Management Department of Institute of Technology and Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organised an alumni talk for the students of MBA (2022-24) batch on 24th January, 2023.

Mr. Arun Kumar Pathak, Sales Head, MY FM and alumnus of MBA 2005-07 Batch interacted with the students on the topic “Opportunities in Media Industry”.
Dr. Nitin Saxena extended a warm welcome to Mr. Arun by offering a plant sapling to him and briefed about the importance of such sessions to the students. Mr. Arun presented an in-depth coverage of media industry and shared various opportunities available for the fresh management graduates in this industry. He discussed roles and responsibilities of various key positions he personally handled in this industry in the last almost fifteen years of his corporate experience including print, digital and radio media.
He talked about a few of the selling & marketing skills required to handle challenges in this industry. He explained various aspects of advertising including content, Govt. guidelines to be followed, creative elements in it, target segment etc leading to larger impact and revenue for the organisation.
The talk concluded with a question – answer session followed by presentation of a memento to the guest, as a token of respect and gratitude by Dr Nitin Saxena.