Institute of Technology & Science Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad has organized an alumni talk on “Opportunities in Publication Industry” on 26th November, 2021.

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Friday, November 26, 2021
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The speaker for the session was Ms. Sarita Yadav, Sr. Project Manager, Aptara, alumnus of MBA 2005-07 Batch.  The session was organized for students of MBA 2021-23 Batch. The motive behind the session is to discuss the possible opportunities available in the Publication Industry after MBA and to impart the key skills required to get the job in the Publication Industry.

The session was started with the welcome address by Dr. V.N. Bajpai, Dean Accreditation and welcome address by Dr. D.K Pandey, chairperson Alumni Committee. Ms. Sarita started her talk with the introduction of the publishing industry and details of her job profile. She also discussed how she utilized the available resources at the institute to sharpen her skills during her MBA program.

She discussed the challenges that students face in communication and the importance of communication in the publishing industry. In her discussion, she emphasized on the importance of classroom attendance during MBA courses as well as the role of summer internship during the second year of the course. She also shared her beautiful memories about I.T.S and she thanks I.T.S for the support provided during her 2 years program.

At the end of the session Dr. Nitin Saxena shared her views and common issues of MBA students while preparing for placement and presented a plaque as a token of regards to  Ms. Sarita on behalf of the institute.