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11th March, 2018 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was an enriching and soul touching review of ‘International Women’s Day’ that had just passed three days ago. The children also revised the previous lessons.
Volunteers of the day Priyanshi Gupta, Kislay Kumar, Raman Singh Sengar, Rajat Gupta, Hitesh Sharma, Punit Modi, Prerak Jain, Nikhil Kumar Mahaseth and George Rudolf Henry started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the highlights of the day.

The first session of the day was a review of the International Women’s Day during which the children were told about the significance of the day. Initially they were asked to share their notions and observations why women have not been treated as equal to men in the past. They stated very honest and actual reasons but they did not know how to make them equal now. The volunteers told them that education is the solution to many such problems. If the girls are educated, they would be self-dependent and would earn good money which would give them enough confidence and equality with men. When the children were asked who do they need more mother or father, they shouted ‘both!’ and that was the point where the volunteers could really convince them that men and women have the equal importance. The second session of the day was a routine revision of the previous exercises.
The class concluded with the distribution of Crax Curls and éclairs. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.