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29th April, 2018 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a class on the Shapes (Math) and Articles (English) which concluded with a poem on clouds.
Volunteers of the day - Punit Modi, Ankush Mehta, Aprajita Srivastava, Syed Kunain, Pramendra Singh Tomar, Vinayak Pandey and Yogesh Bisht started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the highlights of the day.
The first session of the day was on the ‘Articles’ (A, An and The). The basic rules were explained for the children with the examples. They were also told why ‘A’ comes before a university and ‘An’ before an MLA. The children took great interest and learnt the concept earlier than expected.

The second session of the day was on the ‘Shapes’ (Circle, Triangle, Square, and Rectangle). Here also the basic rules were explained for them so that they can easily identify and differentiate the shapes. The marker board itself was used to explain the rectangle.
The last session of the day was the recitation of the poem ‘Jhoom jhoom kar aate baadal, reh reh jal barsaate baadal. Duniya jab pyasi ho jati, sabki pyas bujhaate baadal.’ The impact of the innocent voices of the children was such that the clouds actually appeared in the sky during the activity itself and later rained at night.
The class concluded with the distribution of Crax Curls and éclairs. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.