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13th May, 2018 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a stormy session on Mother’s Day. The children poured out their heart with the feelings for their mothers. This was soon followed by a real storm as if witnessing and approving the swirling emotions of the innocent children.
Volunteers of the day – Priyanshi Gupta, Kriti, Mansi, Soniya Dhawan and Nitin Kumar started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the highlights of the day. Kriti had brought a packet of chocolates for the children.

The first session of the day was on the ‘Mother’s Day’ during which the children were reminded about the sacrifices that a mother makes throughout her life. She sleeps at night with food, if left, after feeding others; and without food if no food is left, saying that she is not feeling hungry today. How she takes care of children, their health, breakfast, lunch dinner, their future, tastes and expectation – was all discussed with day to day examples. Soon after assembling for the class, the children had already started shouting – today is mother’s day.
Hardly the session on Mother’s Day had completed, the storm came with huge, thick and wide dust all around. The scene was scary. The fire brigade staff came forward to guide and help. All girl volunteers demonstrated indomitable courage and confidence, and extended memorable help and care. They were firm, still and unmoved. Finally the storm surrendered and went away.
The class concluded with the distribution of Crax Curls and éclairs. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.