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26th of August, 2018 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad, was yet another special day in a month that has been full of them. It was the day to celebrate Rakshabandhan – the solemn occasion that pays homage to the sacred relationship between brothers and sisters.
The volunteers for the day were Aprajita Srivastava, Samina Khatoon, Abhijit Giri, Ayush Goel, Jyoti Pal and Atul Aniket.

After the class on mountains in the previous week, it was time to discuss about continents. Samina and Aprajita explained to the children how continents were different from countries. They were also told about the seven major continents. Initially the children had some difficulty in grasping the concept of continents; but when examples of the unique features of the animals and the people living in each continent were held up, it became clearer.
The second session of the day consisted of a quiz where the children faced questions on whatever had been taught during the last one month. In order to encourage the children, each correct answer was rewarded with a special prize.
The day finally ended with the distribution of “Winky’s Swiss Rolls” and “Mango Bite Toffees” among all the children.
Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers, and guided them in the conduct of the sessions.