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I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad conducted ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme on the 31st May, 2022.
The volunteers for the day were Anuj Gupta, Amit Kumar, Sourav, Akash, Kashish, Anjali, Jyoti, Piyush, Vikash, Satyam, Anubhav, Shefali, Muskan and Atul. Following learning activities for children were organized:
1. Classroom Teaching-
a. Basics of multiplication and division.
b. Moral story- with the moral “honest is the best policy”
c. Odd / even (1-10)
d. Number names (1-10)
2. Think about your aim-
Students organized an activity named- Think about your aim; whereby children can have a basic idea of what an individual having basic workings and what they shall have the basic duties in terms of emergency...
Kids were asked about their personal interests and try to explore their mind set regarding what they want to become and what they can do to make them clear about their aims. As a child's mind has thousands of confused thoughts, so students just tried to make sure that children may have basic ideas to solve their confusions.
Students discussed about emergency numbers issued by the central government-
a. Police (100)
b. Doctor- Ambulance (102)
c. Fireman (101)
d. Emergency number (112)
Children were informed that, with the single emergency number-112, one can get benefit of all the other existing helpline numbers. This number is an integration of Police, Fire and women helpline numbers. Activity was ended with the distribution of Merry's Chocolate biscuits and Melody Coffee-Bite toffees among the children. All the student volunteers were quite happy & satisfied by providing their small contribution in making our society more valuable & Beautiful.