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Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized the session with an introduction to the north eastern region of the country.

It was obviously a new place for the children as nothing seemed familiar. She explained why this part of the country was quite different, including its climate, topography, plant and animal life. To further familiarize the learners, she dealt with each of the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura, pointing out the unique features of each. Sudhanshu provided a helping hand during the session.
Then it was the turn of Nargis to bring back the children to the familiar subject of English grammar. The idea was to brush up the knowledge of vowels and consonants, and how these are used in the construction of words. Copies were checked and graded to help the kids.
A quiz round was held to revise the day’s topics. The session then drew to a close with the distribution of ‘Bikano Peanuts’ and ‘Britannia Good Day’ biscuits.
Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti planned and guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.