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Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme at Department of Management organized an activity to acquaint the learners with the reading of time from a clock, along with a greater world view.

Utkarsh opened the day’s first innings with a lesson on how to read time from the hands of a clock. In order to make matters easier for the kids, he had brought along a clock so as to provide a demonstration of the concepts taught. He was helped in this endeavor by Shiksha. Once the children were comfortable with clock times, Utkarsh moved on to multiplication tables and identification of factors.
The second session of the day was focused on the world at large, with Megha holding forth on continents and world languages. Once again, Shiksha provided a helping hand. While the children had some familiarity with the continents, thanks to past sessions, foreign languages were a totally different ball game for them. Megha listed down the ten major international languages in terms of popularity. She rounded off the session with a look at some common greetings in German or Deutsche language.
The usual quiz was held to ascertain the day’s learnings, with those answering right receiving toffees. The curtains came down on the day’s proceedings with the distribution of ‘Bikano Navratan Mix’ and ‘Parle Orange Bite’ toffees among the pupils.
Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti planned and guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.