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As 2018 is about to end, this last Sunday of the year is the right time to review the major happenings of the year at Parivartan. Prof. Upreti started the session by introducing the importance of New Year resolution and also motivated the students to make a resolution for 2019 that‘they will never miss a class in their school for the entire year’.

Then Sachin took over to introduce the name changes of famous places that took place in the year. Kirti and Prakriti explained the major Govt. schemes related to education, health care and bio gas production and use, followed by the importance of Statue of Unity and Signature Bridge.
Second session was a quiz based on the previous lessons. Those who answered correct were given prizes.
As the day drew to a close, ‘Butter bite biscuits’ and ‘Parle Orange Bite’ toffees were distributed among the children. Prof. Lokesh Upreti guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.